lunedì 2 marzo 2015

finding the Matterhorn

I think it was more exciting for Mark & I to see and ski under the Matterhorn this weekend than it was for our children who have no idea of the magical fake one in Southern California and Orlando. We headed to Cervinia with the McGraw family in search of the real one...

Alice, Luca & Evan before heading up the gondola to our hotel at 2,555 meters (8,400 feet)

Bridget & Brian and blue skies appear

Mark & Luca head off to the real ski slopes

After a couple wrong turns, Luca and Mark arrive all the way at the bottom. Luca still smiling after the 1,800 foot descent. Mark did have to carry him a few times, but he still wanted to ski the next day. I was proud!

Alice patiently holds Ella's hand down the bunny slope. This was her first time on skis. They made it the whole way without falling. I think she'll be skiing the blues by next year!

Matterhorn shows herself, and now it's mammas turn to go!

Famiglia Coletti, minus a tired Luca

Brian & Evan on the Swiss border at 3,332 meters (11,000 feet). 

That night we enjoyed dinner while the kids ran back and forth from the playroom, and then from 8:30pm the classic italian "animatore" appeared to entertain the kids with "baby dance." While Luca and Ella danced to Shakira, they passed Bingo sheets out to the adults and we managed to all stay awake until 10pm. 

A look out over the slopes. In the distance is Valtournenche, where I skiied with Amy & Eric back in 2008 in subminus freezing temperatures: 

totally equipped for minus 20 and wind chill

yellow yeti!

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