mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009

2 for 1....

Week 19 means there's no going back. It all started when i wore this dress to the high school where I teach english. Miguel, one of the typical loud mouths in class asked me in the middle of a preposition lesson, "Teacher, some of us think you're pregnant." I asked who, as I had not yet told anyone at the school of my condition. He replied, "Well you've been wearing large clothing lately. We were afraid to ask because maybe you had gotten fat." Fair enough!

week 19 in my pregnant dress and growing...first movement (bubbles) felt
on October 24th, also ironically our 6 year anniversary together, atleast someone remembered!
Peanut is already pretty popular and has been blessed with many gifts. Above is a beautiful bouquet from our french neighbor, Hubert, a card from Aunt Coco in Boston, and some real dutch wooden clogs courtesy of Doeke & Anna!

Peanut and I decided to go for a walk and look for fall....barolo reds

bright reds and squash oranges...
mustard yellows and lime greens

we're back!

What happens when you ignore your blog for 1 year? You get pregnant! I'm hoping with this additional inspiration and my growing sentimentality I can once again put the blog to good use and inform our loved ones overseas with photos and stories. Just to get your caught up on the recent activity here's a few photos.....

the day of discovery....July 16th, the day before flying to the USA for summer....
week 17 and the little hump
first sight of the mountains from Pecetto since our return