mercoledì 21 gennaio 2015

Rim to the Lips: Italia!

Part 2 of the European vacation started on January 4th. We sadly said goodbye to Valhalla, Cuncle Chad, & Erika, but gladly left the pouring rain of Chamonix. We hit sunshine and 65 degrees as we headed south to Pecetto.

Out of the hills and into the sunset

Poppie, Happy as Pie, at Ristorante I Sibilla

starting the day properly with a cappuccio at Ristretto

and then cappuccio #2, where everybody knows your name.....

stroll through Torino

wine tasting at Borgogno

No Name, a protest against the unnecessary bureaucracy surrounding wine labelling & certification
(There are 12 controls in Italy, and only 4 in France)

a few more rides in the glass elevator, free entertainment while the adults taste


Siblings in Barbaresco

the real Santa Vittoria!

Mom ending on a strong note at the Pecetto's Ciliegia d'Oro. :)

Thank you Mom & Dad for making it all happen, and to all of you who made the effort to come to our neck of the woods. Family that plays together, stays together. Love you all!

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