venerdì 21 novembre 2014


This Thanksgiving was made extra special when our friends Giovanni and Elena announced that after 10 years of trying to adopt, they succeeded! In February they will fly to China to pick up their 18 month old baby girl!

The rest of the story goes like this......

a perfect foggy thanksgiving morning...

acting tough cutting onions, and crying....

no more space!

stuffing chopped, mushrooms are stuffed

it takes 3 guys and a bottle of wine to stuff a 16 kg turkey

awkward moment

meanwhile, Erin's setup crew
Roby, Marco E., Marco P., Aldo

our little artists get the party rolling

5:30pm the hungry folks arrive

6:00pm, Turkey di San Pietro takes center stage

and plenty to keep the people lubricated....

smiles with Matilde and Maria

Giorgio, getting ready to walk...

si mangia!

...about 70 of them

the Pasta Fresca family cues up

Ella's hungry enough to eat a bench...

upclose plating

applause to the chef!

bambini take the stage

turkey tan

Ella with her "anna"

Valeria's Panna Cotta

Cincinnati cupcakes

apple pie by yours trully


RIP Turkey number 8.

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