lunedì 13 ottobre 2014

My Nonna!!!

Nonna’s here!! Leading up to the days of Nonna’s arrival (Ella’s chosen name for Nonnie), Ella couldn’t stop asking about when Nonna and Poppie were going to come. She also made it clear that Nonna was all hers. Luca had Poppie. The day arrived, and Ella and I had prepared the welcome banner and the apartment across the hall where they would stay. I packed both kids into the car and we left with plenty of time to spare to get to the airport. Less than 5 minutes from home, Ella puked all over herself and the car. We turned around, washed the car out, and left Ella home with Daddy who was sick. Luca and I decided to take the quick way to the airport only to be turned around by a team of police who had blocked the roads for a day long bike race. In the end we made it to the airport only after Nonna had been waiting for us for 30 minutes. Oops. That was just the beginning of our memorable adventures together….

Launching paper airplanes for Nonna.

storytime, Ella clearly preferred Nonna over Mommy for almost everything. That meant also wiping her bum after she had done her business. I was more than happy to hand off the responsibility!

autumn hike to rifugio La Chardouse

with friends and a cool fence

pasta after the 1.5 hour climb!

 roadtrip to Umbria...Luca shows off the "dump" that they created in the back.

6 hours later....our 2 mile gravel road to paradise

Ella tests the bouncy-ness of the beds

Farmhouse Forte Sognano, a welcome sight.

our agriturismo is covered in olive trees and a 13th century fort overlooks it all

sunset walk to the fort

watching the sun go down

Luca shouted "oh my gosh" when he saw this courtyard 

exploring the umbrian countryside

walk through Montefalco

an impromptu stop at winery Arnaldo Caprai...the wine tasted all the better while the kids played in the background

Ella spots a wine tractor!

Assisi from above

Luca with elastic gun in his holster poising in front of San Francesco's "Peace" garden.

sweet Salame of every type.

A little tired, but enjoying it all.

Coolest Calcetto field.


a familiar sight. Good thing I had Nonna to lighten the load!

Ella and Luca in Lucca

Doing the passaggiata

a passaggiata all the way here...

our delicious meal in Osteria San Giorgio

moonlit walk through the Piazza Anfiteatro

one last swing then it's back to Torino!

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