lunedì 28 ottobre 2013

Tutto Zucche

Our party time without Daddy ended Sunday morning, yeah! But here's a few photos from the last days of single motherhood:

The buses arrive from Luca's field trip to a farm near the mountains.

Luca shows off his "Mela in Camicia", an apple baked inside a bun with apple marmalade. Yummers. The kids picked the apples, and helped make the marmalade.

We found the italian equivalent of a pumpkin patch, Tutto Zucche. Alessandro has studied the biodiversity of squash, and exhibits and sells over 500 different types of them in his villa.

uh, oh, where did Ella go?

Back at home, it's time to harvest the pomegranates.

our home exhibit of squash, both edible and non. Next step, carving!

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