giovedì 26 settembre 2013

a summer well done, part one

How to sum it all up into a few can't. So here's some of my favorites, and no, there was no way I could fit in the fun of Eric and Lizzy's wedding, so that is to come!

 Mom never fails to make us feel welcomed.
 off to lunch across the bay, safety first.
 Tractor time with Noah Wilson.
good friends and good times....except when it's time to take a photo.
 Mary becomes Mrs. Hughes on a beautiful PNW day.
 Ella "blesses" cousin June.
 Poising for an anniversary pic...a few additions and 6 years later.
 Ella practices her strut and a bocce ball match after a muddy hike to Indian Beach.
 Jingzi strikes again.
June's smiles, a definite highlight
 Nonnie & Poppie celebrate 60 with their "happy" grandkids
the Mr. and Mrs. to be
 princess bug.
 Nonni Coletti arrive.
 girls and boys at the Astoria Column
 Luca and Grandpa
Kite flying.
 Trip to the zoo with the Nonne.
 Trolly riding at Old Spag.
 Gooey Duck Hunting on the beach.
Nonni Bee and Ella Bug
enough said.

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