I've had this scrap of paper sitting on our kitchen table for a couple months now. It's been spilled on, chewed on, and frankly I'm amazed it still exists. With the way Ella's been tearing things apart and throwing them into the toilet, it is a miracle I have it, and is the reason I'm blogging today. Our babies are becoming little adults before our eyes, so in an attempt to remember this transition, here's a few Luca and Ella-isms for the time capsule:
Give food to the ants this is what Luca told me one day when I asked him where he was going with the pasta from his lunch.
Yeeeeesss. Cuncle Chad pointed out to us, that Luca speaks english like an italian. One example, his long accented yes. It has completely replaced his enthusiastic Si!
Go Outside. Living upstairs from Alberto (our 2 year old italian neighbor), has meant that Luca on an almost daily basis, as soon as he's dressed, announced that he's going outside, going downstairs to play with Alberto. I hope Valeria (Alberto's mother) forgives me someday for taking advantage of the peace and quiet that ensues when he's gone.
Tractor House. That's where a tractor lives (in a barn), obviously.
Sophia Working. Luca told me how he was going to see all of his cousins this summer, Sabatino, Little Bella, Uncle Eric, baby June....and I asked, Sophia? No....sophia working. She is 14 after all!
Nice Bum Daddy. Luca often has to relieve himself first thing in the morning while Mark is taking a shower. One morning while sitting on his potty, he said this happily.
Puzzalente! As Luca acquires more and more italian each day, we are not as happy about some words as we are with others. This means Stinky. And Luca uses it for everything and everyone, usually several times over and loud enough to be heard down the street.
Go Happy....go happy, go, go, go, go! I may have made up songs about the bathroom as a kid, but Luca has his Go Happy song. Not a bad way to go.
Touch my pancake no. The pancakes bells still exist, so very often, we are eating them for breakfast, and while doing so, Luca announces I go poopoo. So he warns everyone that while he is away....touch my pancake, no.
Now for Miss Ella bug, these are more incidents and sounds rather than expressions:
Cellphone in Diaper. Yes, you find anything and everything in a diaper, but this one was a new one. Mark's cellphone went missing one morning, and I did not expect to find it in Ella's next diaper change. Fortunately she had only gone number one.
Poop in the Tub. It's got to happen to everyone at least once. I was busy running between the bedroom and the bathroom while Luca and Ella took a bath. All the sudden, I heard the familiar grunting sound from Ella and came running. I picked her up and as I flew her towards the toilet, some droppings scattered across the floor....not in the tub, so there was no need for an evacuation. Phew!
Do you want some cheese?? This question gets a vigorous head nod from Ella. She nods and shakes very well. Hopefully she'll keep up this cute and quiet method of communication.
Booty shakin'. I must have been listening to my "love" cd one day when a nice r&b number came on, and Ella, with only a diaper on, was shaking it, while she held on to the back of the couch.
Teapot. Ella has many nicknames, but nothing sums up her newest screech like this. When her brother takes something from her, or she wants something, her screech starts in low and builds up quickly to a high pitch whistle. Just like a teapot.
Mamma and Tractorrrr. These two words are Ella's vocabulary at the moment. Mamma can mean me, or really anything. Usually she uses it to get your attention, like get her down from the window sill when she gets stuck, or down from her highchair when she's done. Tractorrrrs, thanks to brother Luca are a new fascination for her. She seems to be distinguishing their familiar sound just as well as Luca. One came rambling down the street the other day, and Ella came running down the hall saying tractorrrrr and asking to be held up to the window to see it go by.