martedì 23 marzo 2010

é nato Luca Enrico Coletti!

On Monday, the 22nd of March, our son was born at 5:36 am....The delivery went well. Erin tried to deliver the baby in water, but eventually had to get out of the tub to finish the job. The job of the mommy is difficult, but all in allwent well. Labor was about 10 hours and the delivery came naturally. The job the daddy has is not much easier, as it entailed a lot of seemingly ineffective rubbing of Erin's back as she screams in pain. BUT, all the trauma, physical and mental, washed away when the PNut arrived.

6 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

he is just beautiful!! he looks like both of you....which is a good sign:) i just cannot believe my little cousin Mark, who is not so little anymore, is a daddy! this is such a lucky little boy- he picked such kind and loving parents.
congratulations. and so it all begins.....

Five in a Family ha detto...

Congratulations Erin and Mark!! Welcome handsome Luca! We are all very happy for you (and Elias and Jillian are oohing and awwing over the cute picture of Luca on your blog as we speak).

Jingzi Zhao ha detto...

Yum!!! Now the fun begins! What a cute boy! I think he looks like Erin more...hehehe We, Chris, Audrey and I, can't wait to meet him in person. Big hugs to you all!

mafy_80 ha detto...

ahahah Ma che carinooooo!!! Veramente congratulazioni e' un angelo :)
ed il nome anche e' molto bello! Luca! Gli si addice!
Un bacio grandissimo alla famiglia Coletti!

Unknown ha detto...

wow! congrats you guys. he is so cute. will have to pop over to italy to meet the new little fella once you're all setteld in. xo

Unknown ha detto...
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