Mommy and baby were released from the hospital on Thursday morning. Luca was able to maintain his featherweight status at 2.5 kgs (5.5lbs), but never lost any in the hospital, which they tell me is a good sign.. We are planning a Picassa Album ASAP, but for now I will attach a few more precious moments. As I said, we have been very busy since being home. We went directly to our neighbors restaurant (i Sibilla) for an incredible Pugliese meal, and then had some visitors in the afternoon. The much anticipated first night sleep was better than expected, as Luca only woke up twice, but slept for a 4.5 hour span..(at least Erin told me so) Yesterday, the clouds broke, the surrounding mountains were out and we were able to parade him through Pecetto and visit all of our local shops who have been asking every day about his status. Three of the four grandparents in tow served as our paparazzi to document his first passeggiata.
Today, mommy is returning to form and demanding a trip to the seaside. So we are taking a little car trip to the seaside to find Grandma a nice plate of pesto. This of course will delay our album, but we promise a big collection by Sunday!