Numero 4....our place of residence for the time being. I chose the title "della ciliegia" or in english, 'of the cherry' for the obvious fact that the cherry tree is what our town of Pecetto is famous for. Also, I recently read the book 'Cradle to Cradle' which credits the cherry tree as being the perfect example of eco-efficiency. Read the book for more info.
Mark and I have now been married of over 3 months, and we are still enjoying each other's company immensely and learning new things about the other. One thing i have learned about Mark, is that he probably won't be writing much in this blog, but he does want to share our experience here with dear family and friends. So enjoy and for the record, here is our contact info in case you happen to be in the neighborhood some day:
Mark & Erin Coletti
Via Torrazza 2
10020 Pecetto (To)
E cell +39-333-8058057
E email
M cell +39-334-1478913
M email
E&M skype name: markcoletti
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