Here's the video you've all been waiting for. It took awhile to try to sum up our 6 week visit and I was able to manage a video that's a little under 8 minutes (sorry Ray).
This video includes two 90th birthday parties, meeting Noah Wilson, Boat Parade, Christmas in Gig Harbor, fun with light sabers, comparing baby belly's with Auntie Amy, table dancing on the Cape for New Years Eve, exercising with Grandma pre knee surgery, visiting Santa on the Polar Express, chasing Luca with a colander on his head, learning to crawl with Ella bug, a reaction to Kung Fu Panda, and belly laughing with Aunties and Uncles. To end with a bang, we managed 24 hours in New York City with Uncle Eric and Auntie Lizzy, giving FAO schwartz employees something to do, bringing out the best in people at the bagel shop and taking in the lights and action of Times Square.
Thank you to everyone for making our trip so memorable and hard to leave!