mercoledì 28 dicembre 2011

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy this Christmas video of our merry merry Christmas shared with the delight of a 21 month old, cunkle Chad from Sweden and Nonni Coletti. With love, the Colettis

A Merry Little Video

lunedì 19 dicembre 2011

luca on ice

We introduced Luca to the ice yesterday. As he is half yankee (or red sox), it's never too early to get him used to the frozen pista and see if he can be NHL material in a few years. I gave up trying to give Luca a ride myself, I had to fully concentrate on my own survival, with most Italians not understanding the counter-clockwise direction you usually follow.


 the hidden smile

 not so happy on the sidelines

okay Dadda, time to go, here's your shoes.

martedì 13 dicembre 2011

Thanksgiving no. 5

 angry bird

 double bird stuffing sandwich

 Luca and Davide warm up the race track

 bird, potato, and stuffing unveiling

Luca, the official dessert taster

We celebrated our 5th Thanksgiving this year in Pecetto. And of course having Nonni Coletti around made it extra special and possible in many ways. They distracted, played with, and kept Luca out of trouble while preparations were made, they peeled 20lbs of potatoes, and graciously offered their apartment for the event itself. La Pasta Fresca shop once again offered to raise, butcher and cook the turkeys for us. We ended up with 2 stuffed birds weighing a combined 15kg (33lbs). Between the tasty hors' devours, the turkey and everything that goes with it, and desserts a plenty, we only finished off one turkey among 33 adults. Thus, an excuse to eat the remaining bird the following week with 15 pecettesi. By the end of it, we all thought it might be possible to have too much of a good thing.
We ended the party with our usual Thanksgiving roundtable, giving thanks for landladies, nonni, husbands and wives, english lessons, good friends, good wine, turkey, and one bun in the oven. :)

giovedì 1 dicembre 2011


Yes, nonni Coletti have just arrived for their 8 week stay with us. I am more than happy for the company, and the added entertainment for Luca. Winter days can be long, but not when you have the grandparents next door to wake up every morning, complete with Ipad and Iphone to entertain, and electric toothbrushes that can massage your neck! Luca has warmed right up to them thanks to their familiar presence on skype every week and our biannual visits. They arrived just in time to help us prepare for Thanksgiving and join in on our 5th annual Turkey dinner with a record number of guests, 32 and 3 babies.

 Luca "helping" by throwing unpeeled potatoes in the pot. 20 lbs of mashed potatoes to feed 30+

Iphone Pavarotti