Now 26 weeks along and growing. I'm poising in a beautiful shirt that my sister sent me so that I can look stylish even if I can barely see my toes. Okay, I'm exaggerating, somedays I feel huge, especially when I need a good shove from Mark to get up, and other days, you can barely see a bump. I'm feeling pretty grateful that I have it so easy, now if I could just get rid of this heartburn before Christmas.
martedì 15 dicembre 2009
Christmas Cookies!
It's my favorite time of year when I get to put on an apron, play christmas music, and make christmas cookies all day. This year Angela & Anna joined in, and I think we made nearly 50 cookies! One week later I have 3 left. Excuse, I gave most of them away + I'm eating for two!
mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009
We celebrated our 3rd annual thanksgiving with 25 friends and even managed to all sit down at once to enjoy the 25 lb bird that sacrificed it's life for us. This year, thanksgiving took on a new meaning, and Mark and I are becoming more and more thankful everyday for the little life that will be joining us in the new year. And we are so thankful to be surrounded by the support of good friends with our families so far away.
at the pasta shop across the street.
We celebrated our 3rd annual thanksgiving with 25 friends and even managed to all sit down at once to enjoy the 25 lb bird that sacrificed it's life for us. This year, thanksgiving took on a new meaning, and Mark and I are becoming more and more thankful everyday for the little life that will be joining us in the new year. And we are so thankful to be surrounded by the support of good friends with our families so far away.
mercoledì 25 novembre 2009
it's a....
If you guessed a girl, you're wrong! Yes, we will be carrying on the Coletti surname, much to the pride of my father-in-law. Our little man bared his identity plainly in the doctor's office last friday, and he is well-equipped! So my dear grandmother Mary Ellen will be getting her 8th great-grandson and Little B & Big B will have their first great grandchild and I'm sure Little B will be tempted to tape a pink bow to his head on their first meeting.

mercoledì 4 novembre 2009
i colori di Novembre
The first week of November has brought the overwhelming presence of fall and the swift arrival of winter. The temps are getting closer and closer to the 30s and between the hours of noon and 5pm, a sweater and scarf our necessary in our apartment. This week we've enjoyed a nice autumn walk, a wine festival, and discovered a new smash hit recipe....
Now for my latest recipe, that will surely brighten and warm up any brisk fall or winter day,
Carrot Soup with Ginger & Lemon
1/4 cup butter
1.5 onions, chopped
couple shakes of ground ginger
couple shakes of cumin
1/2 a habanero pepper ***, minced, or whatever pepper you have on hand
3 cloves garlic, minced
8-9 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 can tomatoes in pieces
1.5 tsp lemon peel, grated
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
lemon juice from 1/2 of a lemon
1. Melt butter in large pot, add onions and sautee for 4 min
2. Add ginger, garlic, pepper, cumin and saute for a few minutes
3. Add carrots, tomatoes, lemon peel and sautee for 1 min.
4. Add stock and bring to boil. Let simmer slightly uncovered for 20-30 min
(until carrots are tender) Tasting at this point is a good idea in case any a
5. Cool slightly and puree with hand mixer (should be rather creamy)
6. reheat soup and serve with some squeezed lemon juice and nice warm bread!
***habanero gives it a kick that may be too much for some. When in doubt put a cup of whole milk or cream on the table for people to add in just in case.
martedì 3 novembre 2009
While the little italian ragazzini and ragazzine asked for "dolcette o scherzette" in all the little stores in Pecetto, Mark and I headed to the Moncalieri Jazz Festival, kicked off by the Notte Nera, "black night." Sounds spooky, but instead it was very New Orleans-esque on a smaller more sober scale. Aperitivo and drinks were offered at every bar, cafè, and ristorante in town, with live jazz duets and quartets. At 9pm came the surprise of the Magicaboola band, the rocking 13 musician marching band that made it's way throught the main piazza and we ended up nearly front row which gave us the responsibility of getting the torinese to actually dance rather than just watch (reminded me of a Death Cab concert in Seattle). From 10:30, free food tastings, and red wine lined the narrow street of Sante Croce accompanied by 3 more class jazz acts. If only the line of Polenta & Salsiccia would have been a little shorter.....
Magicaboola Jazz Band
While the little italian ragazzini and ragazzine asked for "dolcette o scherzette" in all the little stores in Pecetto, Mark and I headed to the Moncalieri Jazz Festival, kicked off by the Notte Nera, "black night." Sounds spooky, but instead it was very New Orleans-esque on a smaller more sober scale. Aperitivo and drinks were offered at every bar, cafè, and ristorante in town, with live jazz duets and quartets. At 9pm came the surprise of the Magicaboola band, the rocking 13 musician marching band that made it's way throught the main piazza and we ended up nearly front row which gave us the responsibility of getting the torinese to actually dance rather than just watch (reminded me of a Death Cab concert in Seattle). From 10:30, free food tastings, and red wine lined the narrow street of Sante Croce accompanied by 3 more class jazz acts. If only the line of Polenta & Salsiccia would have been a little shorter.....
mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009
2 for 1....
Week 19 means there's no going back. It all started when i wore this dress to the high school where I teach english. Miguel, one of the typical loud mouths in class asked me in the middle of a preposition lesson, "Teacher, some of us think you're pregnant." I asked who, as I had not yet told anyone at the school of my condition. He replied, "Well you've been wearing large clothing lately. We were afraid to ask because maybe you had gotten fat." Fair enough!

on October 24th, also ironically our 6 year anniversary together, atleast someone remembered!

Peanut is already pretty popular and has been blessed with many gifts. Above is a beautiful bouquet from our french neighbor, Hubert, a card from Aunt Coco in Boston, and some real dutch wooden clogs courtesy of Doeke & Anna!

we're back!
What happens when you ignore your blog for 1 year? You get pregnant! I'm hoping with this additional inspiration and my growing sentimentality I can once again put the blog to good use and inform our loved ones overseas with photos and stories. Just to get your caught up on the recent activity here's a few photos.....

week 17 and the little hump
first sight of the mountains from Pecetto since our return

the day of discovery....July 16th, the day before flying to the USA for summer....

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