lunedì 2 giugno 2008

BBQ delle Ciliegie....

to celebrate pecetto's existence, they throw a party each year called the Festa delle Ciliegie,
highlighting the sweet red fruit we know as the cherry. They close down the main street and the streets are overflowing with booths selling odds and ends, cherries, and folks in costume. Mark and i decided to host a party in honor of our Festa with an american favorite, BBQ. Mark began stoking our 30 euro grill at 10am and by 3pm, we had a platter of grilled veggies, hamburgers, sausages, and spicey black bean burgers. Tempted by my God given sweet tooth and love of baking, i made a cherry apricot cobbler, a kiwi lime tart, and chocolate chip espresso cookies....enough to please a crowd of 16, including a scotsman, 2 englishmen, 1 finnish, 1 french, 2 dutchies, 2 aussies, 1 pakistani, 3 vegetarians, and 1 slovak.....only guests missing, all the italians....

tart and cobbler...

anna considers getting some Cinghiale (wild boar) sausages....

cherries on trial...award given to the finest of the year...

eero jamming on the piano....we had better entertainment than the Festa band in town