we spent the weekend in the delightful company of the Ambrosini's in the remote country town of Pratolungo near the port of La Spezia. Lunch consisted of farcaciotti...a peculiar stacking of disks heated first on the coals of the fire, then stacked with a mix of flour, water and salt poured in between....the table was set with plates of fresh cut meats, a soft milky cheese resembling taleggio, turnip and sausage. Between the food, the homemade wine, and conversation, lunch lasted until it was time to take a nap or start dinner...
the next day after recovering from farcaciotti coma, Giuseppe proudly showed us his vineyard and 20 free roaming chickens....some for laying eggs, and others grown for his sunday lunch. From the vineyard, we got a tour of the cantina, which led to 6 bottles of wine for us to take home in exchange for help during harvest time in October....
with 6 bottles clinking in the trunk, we headed to beautiful Portovenere, just south of the cinque terre....
mark and the church and old fortress of portovenere...