mercoledì 23 aprile 2008

La Camminata fra i Ciliegie...

La Camminata Gastronomica fra i ciliegi in fiore, is literally the food walk through the cherry trees in bloom. Over 4300 people showed up for the 27th annual event on Sunday, April 6th, so ive been told by my landlord, the greatest gossiper in town, and mind you there are only 1500 people in Pecetto proper. People came from near and far for the non-competitive 8km race, that gave out a total of 15 prizes, including first Pecettese man, woman, and first three animals to cross the finish line....this was not just a walk through the beautiful hills that sorround pecetto, to attract these numbers, food and wine must be involved, and someone with a megaphone and a lottery. There were six tasting stops....degustazioni....starting with milk, hot chocolate, red wine, white wine (10am start), then it was onto the cherry marmellate on toast with wine, 3rd stop cherry punch with more wine...4th stop, panini with prosciutto and wine, 5th stop...fruit, dont think there was wine.....6th stop, toasted bread with olive oil, garlic, and finally some water.....finish!

elena, amy (still here!), and erin at the start

they are off! view from our balcony....

Cows beneath the cherry trees in bloom....

10.30am...time for cherry marmellate and wine. i was going to give up on the idea of toast when Amy, not having experienced the greed of italian grandmothers insisted to go for it....within 5 minutes the marmellate was dripping down my chin....i was so proud of my friend!

it became clear that we were not going to win any prizes when the golden girls lapped us....

lunedì 21 aprile 2008

march madess continues....

admiring a sinking mediterranean sun in cinque terre...

famous coletti meatballs on the back porch in pecetto...

amy enjoying her 3rd week in italy, after a day in milano

a look at pininfarinas exclusive car collection.....the girls have promised to come back in 2 years for a tour of southern italy and greece....arrivederci!

March madness spills into April....

mark and i had the honor of hosting amy and lacey, two good friends from LA. it started out with what seemed to be an ambitious itinerary, and grew even more ambitious from there. overall, it was great to have such easy going guests who love an adventure, and enjoyed torino as much as we do...following is a peek into our voyage....

florence turns on her lights as night falls...

first cup of gelato at first site of sun in san gimignano...

lacey licks the chocolate dessert plate at a little trattoria in siena

erin finds a mustard colored house on the island of burano in venice...

lacey enjoys a cappuccino in Al Bicerin caffe torino